This page contains lists of (ir)relevant information about my research.
- Koenderink award 2020 for fundamental contributions in computer vision that have withstood the test of time. For the paper Improving the Fisher Kernel for Large-Scale Image Classification, with Florent Perronnin and Jorge Sánchez, published at ECCV 2010.
- Outstanding reviewer award CVPR’17, ICMR’16, ICCV’13
- ICMR Best paper award 2016. For the paper Pooling Objects for Recognizing Scenes without Examples, with Svetlana Kordumova and Cees Snoek.
- NWO VENI Award for highly promising young scientists.
- ACMMM Best paper award 2014. For the paper VideoStory: A New Multimedia Embedding for Few-Example Recognition and Translation of Events, with Amir Habibian and Cees Snoek.
- AFRIF PhD Thesis prize 2012. For my PhD thesis entitled: Learning Image Classification and Retrieval Models
- Best PhD student at International Computer Vision Summer School 2010
- Winner ImageCLEF 2010, visual concept detection task challenge
- Honourable mention ILSVRC’10, large-scale image classification
Code references are made – where possible at the paper (see Publications).
- Deep Nearest Class Means (DeepNCM – Python / TensorFlow: Github)
- Rijksmuseum Challenge (Matlab: Github, Data: FigShare)
- Fisher Vector Kit (FVKit – Matlab: Github)
- Nearest Class Mean (Matlab – v1.1: tar – August 2014)
- Tree-Structured Prediction Models (Matlab – v0.11: tar – May 2013)
I’m trying to get an overview of all students supervised. If I missed you on my list: sorry. I’m not so good at tracking ;-). Please drop me a line!
Supervision of PhD students
- Rick Groenendijk (2019- )
- Yunlu Chen (2017-)
- Hoang-An Le (2017-2020)
- Spencer Cappallo, PhD, daily supervisor
- Amirhossein Habibian, PhD, daily co-supervisor
MSc Artificial Intelligence (UvA):
- Rick Groenendijk (2019)
- Kyllian Broers (2019)
- Casper Thuis (2018)
- Ysbrand Galema (2017)
- Sebastien Negrijn (2017)
- Thomas Jongstra, Directors Cut: Beat-based video summarization (2016)
- Markus Nagel, Fisher vectors for image collections (2014)
BSc Artificial Intelligence (UvA):
- Ozzy Ülger (2018)
- Caitlin Lagrand (2017)
- Ysbrand Galema, Recognising Plastic in Ocean Water Images (2016)
MSc Data Science (UvA):
- Daniël Kooij (2018)
- Tim Molleman (2018)
- Emiel van Dongen (2018)
- Inske Groenen (2018)
- Dror Guldin (2018)
- Bas Lindeboom (2018)
- Mariel van Staveren (2018)
- Sofia Tilon (2018)
- Cor Zuurmond (2018)
- Daniel Bartolome-Rojas (2017)
- Diederik Beker (2017)
- Michal Kozal (2017)
- Yu-Ri Tan (2017)
- Madli Uutma (2017)
- Bastiaan Waanders (2017)
- Aeron Yung (2017)
- Douwe Knook (2016)
- Koen Cuijpers, Explaining Image Retrieval with Classification (2015)